Monday, June 18, 2012

How To's: Organizing Belts,Necklaces and Caps

Hello Guys! I'm back for another How To's post :)
Recently I bought belts and necklaces for my growing closet, but I don't know what to do with them or I don't know how to organize them in a very convenient way. So, I looked at my arts and crafts stuff and I saw my push pins back from my college days when I was in Set Design and Costumes as Director, that's why I was the one who kept all the excess stuffs from our projects heheee because no one also want to keep it so they gave it to me. And So I was like *Light Bulb! haha

this what Push Pins look like

you just have to push it in
(if you happen to have to push it in a wall no worries, you can always use a Hammer )

colorful push pins! It cost less that 20 pesos if I remember correctly for

 Okay so now I had completed my worries about my belts and necklaces I saw my mini collection of baseball caps and I was kinda sad because I kinda don't know what happened why is that there's is only 4 left! my other caps where gone! and there's a lot of push pins left so I just used the same principle as with the necklaces and belts

my makeup collection :)

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