Tuesday, June 5, 2012

ACNE JOURNAL: Day 1 of Curing

Hello you guys!  Yesterday I've been to the Dermatologist near where I live, because my acne it becoming worse everyday since I've been to Palawan last March I don't know why because this was the first time I experience this kind of acne. Before I only had a quite few may one to three, my dermatologist said that I had Adult Acne, and was triggered because of my oil glands started working too much or I inherited it from my mother's DNA.

 Did you know that there are 4 stages of Acne pimples):

First is the WHITEHEADS(Closed Comedone)- in  this stage of acne is a really small white bump on your face's surface yes it has dirt and oil but the pore is not yet inflamed.

second is the BLACKHEADS(Open Comedone)- in this stage of acne is like the whitehead but the pore is opened and will surely be a open house for more bacteria and dirt (the pore is also not yet inflamed)

third is what we known PIMPLE(Papule)-here the pore is red, because of the dirt and bacteria is crowding the pore making it swollen and inflamed and lastly;

INFLAMMATORY PIMPLE(Pustule)- that has whitish or yellowish head because of the bacteria and dirt is trying to get out from the pore's wall making it weak.  If you'd try to prick in this stage of your pimple it will surely leave a scar.

CYSTIC ACNE(Nodule)- this is where the affected pore will expand to the other pores (hawa)

After I underwent to the ACNE SURGERY, sounds creepy right? it surely was not creepy as in a real surgery it was just the proper way of removing the dirt, pus and oil from your pimples that which by thw way hurts reaaaallllyyy bad! for me because it was my first time and a little scared maybe. I went out the surgery room with my eyes swollen because of crying haha but yeah (tiis ganda teh!) I was happy because my pores are clean after that surgery whew! but it left alot of blood clots from  the whiteheads, pimples and the inflammatory pimples which I have. My next session will be on monday (June 11,2012)

sorry for the grossing you out
Here are the products that my dermatologist prescribed:

I forgot to include my antibiotic pills for 7 days
from left to right:
Adapalene gel(Differin)-Clarifying Lotion-Clindamycin-Azelaic Acid(Dipolex)

Adapalene Gel do is 

 when you put it on your acne it helps to clean your pores expels the oil and pus from your acne and renew the pore's condition. Thats only based on what Ive read and also Adapalene works hand in hand with clindymicin a antibacterial solution as prescribed by my dermatologist. So I'm expecting my acne will become worse first before it will go away.
used as a toner

used before putting the Differin, the Differin will make this work better 
 Clindamycin is an antibiotic that fights bacteria in the body.Clindamycin is used to treat serious infections caused by bacteria. more facts(http://www.drugs.com/clindamycin.html)

Azaleic Acidis an antibacterial solution that prevents bacteria build up  caused by anaerobic or aerobic bacteria more facts at ( http://www.ehow.com/about_4620767_what-azelaic-acid.html  )

use because of prescription.

Well I Have high hopes on these prescripted drugs that cost a lot and I want to have that clear skin again that I used to have when I was a little younger.. Tune in for more updates! (I sounded like a DJ or something haha)


  1. oh noooooo bey!!!!! :( is something stressing u out? it also triggers ah?
    sana macure na as soon as possible!

  2. Hi BeaLim, may I know the derm clinic you go to? Dermessence, my home clinic, has stopped selling Dipolex, and it's the only product that works on me; now, I badly need to buy one. I'd appreciate it big time. Thanks!
