Sunday, January 1, 2012

How To's : Carton Trays

Do you ever wonder how on earth can you fix this kind of mess(I know! not a pretty site) without spending too much and at the same time help Mother Nature? Well, here's how!!

First, you gonna need these stuffs:

Any kind of wrapping paper
Any kind of Carton Box
Scotch tape
Double-sided tape

this I got from my favorite German Wafers ^^

Oh, this one is completely optional bought this from The Landmark

First things first:  

you wanna make sure that your carton box is completely  clean

Let's Start!!!

then you wanna cut the wrapping paper same size as your carton box

Put some glue to the carton box but remember not to put too much glue because it might soften the carton box and the wrapping paper  and we don't want that to happen 

So here, I am spreading the glue with my bare hands to even out the surface
let it dry for a moment

Fun Fact!:
 Did you know that when you say "Give Me a Moment" counts to 90 Seconds! 
So when someone tells you to give him/her a moment start counting from 1-90

Okay.. Going Back
you wanna tape the back for security and sturdiness

and also the sides

Here is the tricky part you wanna carefully draw a a narrow rectangle using your cutter and cut the upper part of the rectangle all the way leaving the base of the rectangle uncut. Do not use a heavy hand or your going to miss the fun part 

You need to push CAREFULLY the narrow rectangle inside your box

your box should look like this

then cut another (this depends on you liking if you don't wanna put your full efforts to it well its really up to you)

Should look like this. 

You see the messy carton residues?  

you also want to tape that because it will give some support to the lines and clean the mess 

you see that line? you're going to tape that on the middle rectangle for sturdiness

you see how nice it looks when it is taped plus it makes your tray a little water resistant so your not going to worry too much when you spill something inside

The next few steps is completely optional, if you do have lots of time like I do..

measure your tray box and size the translucent paper 

then, you wanna put some double-sided tape because if you will use glue it will be easily removed and this paper doesn't like to be used with a scotch tape so I need to use my trusty double-sided tape.


the finished product!

Looks pretty cool and organized don't ya think? and this also exercises you creativity and your skills plus you'll be proud of what you did! Especially when someone visits your room  Yey!

One time my cousin saw this and said, "Wow how pretty! where did you buy this?" and then I said PROUDLY, "No, I made it" then she said that I am very skilled that just earned self-esteem points its really overwhelming

Oh excuse me and my twin's picture at the back haha 

Good Luck doing this!!!

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